[Global Change: 3809] Updates on Climate change, Water, Disaster at Climate Himalaya Initiative Portal.....
K N Vajpai
2010-08-19 04:43:09 UTC
Dear Members:

For the information of the members, the Climate Himalaya Initiative
http://www.climatehimalaya.net has a dedicated news portal
http://chimalaya.org/ , that updates the Climate Change related news on
regular basis. Those interested in Climate Change related issues, get
regular updates by subscribing or becoming member.

The ongoing includes; Pakistan Floods, Leh Cloud Burst, Climate Change
Modeling, Domestic Actions by countries, Actions by Asian countries, Cancun
Climate Summit, Criticism of IPCC, etc.....!

There are options for subscription, membership, tweeting, facebook, among

You can visit and explore at http://www.climatehimalaya.net

Warm regards

K N Vajpai
Convener and Theme Leader

Climate Himalaya Initiative
Climate Himalaya Initiative has been officially launched on 5 June 2010, on
World Environment Day! Be part of Climate Himalaya Initiative at
http://www.climatehimalaya.net, for Sustainable Mountain Development.
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